Bad Beat

  • A bad beat is in fact when someone makes an incorrect move against you, and gets extremely lucky. Losing a hand in poker that you from the beginning are very probable to win. Often (or so it will seem) to a worse player, who called you bet when the odds were clearly against him/her.
  • Bad Beat Brewing opened in July 2014 by Nathan Hall born out of his love of poker and craft beer. Never one to shy away from a gamble, Nathan sold his house and spent every dollar in his bank account to fund his dream. A Bad Beat in the poker world means you’re the underdog and starting a craft brewery in Las Vegas is definitely against the odds.

Bad Beats Poker

Losing a hand in poker that you from the beginning are very probable to win. Often (or so it will seem) to a worse player, who called you bet when the odds were clearly against him/her.
Novices often confuse a bad call with a call that will probably lose, but still has the pot odds on its side. They will then moan and moan about getting bad beaten when in fact they were only slightly unlucky. A bad beat is in fact when someone makes an incorrect move against you, and gets extremely lucky.
Good player: My pocket kings got called with Q9 when flop was K-9-A and I went all in. Turn was a 9. River came the last 9. Losing to runner-runner nines. Well, that´s poker.
Bad player: I had pocket nines and went all in for 2 dollars. This rich guy called me with AKs and caught an ace. Now that´s a bad beat! I hate this game!
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But it was the beginning of a bad beat. Two plays after the safety, Fitzgerald split the safeties down the middle of the field and took a pass 64 yards for a touchdown. The Steelers trailed 23-20.

Poker phrase about an improbable loss on a hand of cards. Means that you started the hand way ahead but got outdrawn, thus you suffered a bad beat.
Many casinos and card rooms offer extra incentives and jackpots for very bad beats (such as losing with four of a kind).
Playing Texas Hold-Em'...
I have 2-3
You have A-A
Flop comes A-2-K
Turn is a 2
River is a 2
In this hypothetical, I put a bad beat on you since your three Aces was way out in front of my pair of 2's after the flop.
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In poker, usually, it is when you lose a hand that seemed like it was going to win to a person who got extremely lucky.
Usually followed by a very pointlessbad beat story
The biggest bad beat I can remember is when I had pocket queens and the flop was:
Q44. The other guy had KJ and caught two runner Kings for the higher full house.
I was 99.4% favored to win the pot.
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Bad Beat is all about when ur mates toss u a low blow, when things are just not called for, when you started way ahead but got outdrawn, when someone gives u the cold shoulder, when someones not up for heading out etc

Bad Beat Brewing

You still coming out tonight?
Nah i cant..
Lunch today?
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Bad-Beat is a nickname used by an internet forum poster who can sometimes be seen on different forums, internet chats and other internet related things. If you spot him, give yourself 10 points. The name 'Bad-Beat' can only be written with capitals 'B's. If you ever write the name with small b's then you are said to have 'failed'. The reason for the capital B's goes back to the 4th century, when farmers in Southern England would be working in the fields growing potatoes all the while spouting out new words and phrases. The many terms that Shakespeare has been creditted to can actually be traced back to these farmers. One day the farmers decided that some structure should be used in their phrases, the first new phrase that they invented after this grammar shift was, Bad-Beat, where they added in multiple capital letters, the first in history and a hyphen.
by Deano139 August 16, 2006
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A beat occurs when a poker hand that is statistically likely to lose becomes a winning hand after more cards are dealt.
A bad beat occurs when a beat happens to you.
I outplayed his four Aces with my runner runner inside straight flush, but on the very next hand he flopped the nuts. Man, that was a bad beat.
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Bryce Yockey in disbelief after the biggest bad beat in poker history on the biggest stage.

The final table of the 2019 World Series of Poker $50,000 Poker Players Championship produced quite possibly the worst bad beat in poker history as Bryce Yockey saw a 99.843% hand turn into dust when Josh Arieh beat him on the final draw in 2-7 Triple Draw.

Nick Schulman coined the bad beat that Arieh put on Yockey, “The bad beat to end all bad beats,” before it happened and to fully grasp the situation you have to watch the clip.

Yockey started with the second strongest hand in the game, which has a 1 in 2,548 chance of occurring while Arieh needed three draws to beat him and make the only possible combination that would do so. A crazy detail about this hand is that the only path for Arieh to the winning hand was for him to make a straight first before he could draw to the perfect 7-5 low.

“This is the worst beat I’ve ever seen in a televised tournament,” Schulman said, as Yockey made his departure from the tournament in fourth place. Yockey collected $325,989 for his efforts after which John Esposito, Phil Hui, and Josh Arieh continued to battle for the $1,099,311 first prize. Watch the full final table of this event on PokerGO right now.

Understanding 2-7 Triple Draw

In the game of Limit 2-7 Triple Draw, the goal is to make the worst possible five-card hand without a straight or a flush. The best hand in this game, as shown in this video, is 7-5-4-3-2 followed by 7-6-4-3-2. In this game, there are three draws during which you can ask for as many new cards as you want.

Bad Beats

Bad Beats in Texas Hold’em

Bad beats poker

Bad Beat Jackpot Payout

Bad beats in poker are common and every player who’s played a game or two will have seen his or her aces disappear like snow in the bright Las Vegas sun when a king on the river gives your opponent three of a kind.

Bad Beat$

To provide some context on how crazy Yockey’s hand was, let’s draw some parallels with No Limit Texas Hold’em. Aces versus kings before the flop is an 81.06% favorite, a number that increases to 91.62% after a blank flop and 95.45% on the turn. Having only two cards to improve with the river to come is still a 4.55% chance of winning!

In an even worse scenario, the worst of two sets on the flop has 4.34% with two cards to come and that number is reduced to 2.27% with only the river left to make four of a kind. For some more context, winning with ace-king offsuit versus ace-king offsuit has a 2.17% chance but in that case, of course, you are 95.65% to casually split the pot!

Ever played so wild that you ended up all in with deuce-three offsuit against pocket aces? Well, you still have a 13.3% chance to win the hand before the flop! After a random flop where your only remaining winning outs are running cards, however, you have a 1.52% chance to win and even that is still a lot better than having just 0.16% as Josh Arieh did!

Click this link to see the Twitter conversation about this hand in which some big name poker pros chime in on how unlikely this runout truly was.

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