Bitcoin Cash Confirmations

Bitcoin Cash brings sound money to the world. Merchants and users are empowered with low fees and reliable confirmations. The future shines brightly with unrestricted growth, global adoption, permissionless innovation, and decentralized development. Explore, sort and filter blocks from Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain by height, reward, miner and more.

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If you are untouched with Bitcoin educational news, then you must have missed about the Bitcoin Cash community have been talking about acceptance of the zero-confirmation transaction by merchants. Now, what do you understand by this term? Does it give you any idea about what it is indicating to? Well, if you are new to this cryptocurrency world, then it is difficult for you to know about this term. So let us have an understanding of it and what makes it so acceptable by the Bitcoin community.


How To Check Bitcoin Confirmations

Introducing Zero Confirmation Transactions?

Zero confirmation transactions are transactions that are visible in the network but have not been portrayed in the blockchain. The reason for its acceptance by the people is because of its speedy way of making payment which is good for a customer as well as for merchant. But the more it seems to be an interesting topic, at the same time it also falls under controversy due to approach by some other people. According to them, Zero confirmation transactions are very unsafe because of double-spending. They have this opinion because there have been cases of double spending in networks of Bitcoin Core as well as the popular hard fork, Bitcoin Cash.

But beyond these figures, the use of zero-confirmation transactions is still considered as the base for wider acceptance of cryptocurrency. There have been suggested solutions for the double-spending issue of zero confirmation. In July 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto, the well-known founder of a famous crypto coin, Bitcoin penned his thoughts in a discussion on website. The Bitcoin founder emphasized his point on the acceptance of zero-confirmation. Satoshi gave details about how payment processing firms must initiate in the speedy distribution of transactions with satisfactory checking in lesser seconds.

If you follow Bitcoin news today, then you must be knowing about the BCH accepting merchants are keen to welcome the concept of zero-confirmation transactions for some time ago. Now the others that are joining the list are Mini-POS, Bitasia Exchange, Satoshi Dice, Keys4coins, and others. Moreover, the topic of zero-confirmation transactions has grabbed the attention of Bitcoin developers. They expressed their concern to make zero confirmations safer on the network through various methods of signalling.

There are two proposals regarding protocol developments to strengthen the zero-confirmation transactions use on the chain of Bitcoin Cash. ‘’Double Spend Alerts’’ was a proposal penned by Chris Pacia, the developer of the Openbazaar. It is a network message of Bitcoin Cash that notifies nodes during the occurrence of double spending on a transaction that is not confirmed. According to Pacia, all types of double spending cannot be prevented by observation. He furthers adds about the need for advancement in the technical field.

How Long For 6 Confirmations Bitcoin


How Many Confirmations Does Bitcoin Cash Need

The above ideas and concepts have prompted supporters of Bitcoin Cash to give thumbs up to them, as they would help prevent and notify the participants of a network of upcoming double-spending. The concept of zero-confirmation transactions has convinced many merchants and businesses as it would benefit in lessening the risk of double-spending. In 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto stated about the threat of double-spending on the network of Bitcoin, would be lesser than cheating that is possible with credit cards. However, it depends upon the decision of the merchant whether to accept payments instantly or to keep patience for the confirmation on the blockchain.

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Coinbase runs its own digital currency nodes that communicate with the rest of the network. When you initiate a transaction, we broadcast it to the rest of the network so it can be confirmed.

Bitcoin Confirmation Time

Our nodes may lose sync with the rest of the network for short periods of time. This can cause transactions to remain in the 'Pending' state for longer than normal. Usually the delay is under an hour, and the transaction will eventually go through normally.

Bitcoin Transaction Confirmation

Occasionally, transactions are not accepted by the rest of the network and therefore are never considered to be 'confirmed'.

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Common causes of unconfirmed transactions

  • Sending a very small amount with insufficient fees
    All bitcoin transactions require a miner fee to be confirmed by the bitcoin network. When sending bitcoin you will be prompted to add a miner fee to make sure the transaction gets confirmed. If an insufficient fee is included, your transaction may never confirm.
  • A double-spend of the same coins
    Under normal conditions this should not occur with transactions generated by Coinbase (our backend systems are designed to prevent this), but in general if two transactions try to spend the same coins, one of them will never be confirmed by the network.
  • Trying to spend unconfirmed coins
    If you are trying to spend coins that appear as pending in your account, your transaction will not be generated until these coins confirm.
  • The network is experiencing high volume
    Sometimes there is a high volume of digital currency being sent globally, and there are more transactions than there is space available in each new block to include the transaction.