How To Play Online Blackjack And Win

Winning or Losing a Blackjack Hand Online There are three ways you can win a hand of blackjack. End up with a value in your hand higher than the dealer without exceeding 21 End up with 21 based on the two cards that you’ve dealt before the dealer can make 21 with more than two cards. Blackjack Pays 1:1. Usually the game pays 3:2, meaning player can win RM15 for a RM10 bet. When it pays 1:1, player only wins RM10 for a RM10 bet-0.0226. Player Loses 17-18 Ties. If both player and dealer have 17 or 18, player loses.-0.0358. Never Bust Strategy. Never taking a hit on hand value of 12 or higher.-0.0391.

Playing the card games in online casino is very tricky. It seems to be very easy to play, but in fact, it is hard to win, especially in Blackjack, one of the most popular card games in the online casinos. If you want to win, you must know the basic rules in online blackjack game you need to know the best way to play online Blackjack and win.

Online Blackjack Strategy

Best Way to Play Online Blackjack and Win

  1. Understanding the Game

The first thing to be able to win Blackjack is to understand the game itself. Playing the online Blackjack is actually the same with the land based Blackjack game. The goal of this game is to gather the total cards which values are 21. In Blackjack, you need to make the bet for the Player’s hand or the Dealer’s hand.

How to play online blackjack and win cash

However, the card values will be different from their face values, such as 2 to 10 will have the same values with the face values, Aces will have 1 or 11 values, and the rest of the cards will have 0 values. Then, the card values will be counted to determine the winner.

  1. Use the Strategy

The famous strategy used in playing Blackjack is the card counting strategy, but in the online Blackjack, you cannot rely on that strategy. The card counting strategy cannot be used in the online Blackjack since it is hard to tell how many decks of cards used by the dealer. Moreover, the online Blackjack will use the computerized software in the game so that you won’t know whether the software add more cards in the game.

Since the card counting strategy cannot be used here, you need to find other strategy that is suitable for you. If you have not found one, you can stick to the basic Blackjack strategy to win the game. There are several bets that you can make here, such as Hit, Stand, Double Up, Split, Double Down, Surrender, and Insurance.

The basic strategy here varies based on rules of the online casino you are in. to use the basic strategy, you need to look at your cards and the Dealer’s upward cards. However, you are suggested for not taking the insurance since you will be likely to lose here.

  1. Stop When You are Ahead

How To Play Online Blackjack And Win Money

The last way to win Blackjack is to know when you need to stop playing the game. All casino games are designed to prevent you to stop playing the game. It becomes very risky since you use the real money here and you will be likely to lose if you do not know when to stop.

The best thing to do is to stop when you are ahead. You need to remember that playing the game again will not guarantee you winning the game. Besides, to be able to win, you will use more money in the process.

Those are the best way to play online Blackjack and win that you need to know. Remember that practice makes perfect and knowing the effective strategies to win on them only cannot guarantee you to win. If you want to locate the best Blackjack games, you can go to QQ808, the best online casino in Malaysia and Asia.

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